Chantelle Ducharme
Nominated by her friend Rayleen, Chantelle is an entrepreneur-extraordinaire and an amazing mom!
Following very difficult experiences in a relationship with her ex and daughter’s father who was an addict who lost himself, this unhealthy situation left Chantelle mentally and physically exhausted, and also left her in a tough spot financially due to the relationship, and she really was just left as a shell of the beautiful person she once was. Chantelle left that toxic situation and grew from it and focused on being a single mom to her beautiful daughter Aria. She then thankfully reconnected with her new beau Tyler. Chantelle relocated to The Pas, MB to continue with and grow their relationship together.
She has now built a beautiful and healthy relationship with Tyler, that Aria has grown up around. Aria calls Tyler Dad, and he is in every single aspect. Chantelle always puts Aria first in everything she does.
Chantelle has been a full time Registered Massage Therapist for 10 years, and absolutely loves what she does…helping people to feel their best brings so much satisfaction to her own life. She hopes to continue for as long as she can. This rockstar entrepreneur also sells Monat and has been working hard to rebuild her financial status and freedom from debt! Check out her Monat page https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftelli.mymonat.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2I0R6w16fX99I9AKoqu8DHF5b4FMIZchx2hU6zmyR1PQFPXRikaABBbU8&h=AT3C_My-1MW6_8ZzkmyDLvszDKsxRDDBt8Q0Ce7eBku6gKJ9TVojTJ0n37dKFf282ov3xF5Bp4wKSWC2V5G87g6mV2XbN7DGh6ckHIIfwPkx-clvIgklBDoUvn451Eiqs7hcBFHVPMtn
Words of wisdom and empowerment from Chantelle:
I asked Chantelle what she feels has been the most valuable lesson she has learned in 2020, and this is what she had to share.
“The most valuable lesson I have learned this year is that tomorrow is never guaranteed, so stay kind and live fiercely.”
I asked Chantelle to share her message of strength and empowerment for other women to start 2021 with a positive mindset, and this is her inspiring response.
“I would say be unapologetically you, stomp on your fears because you have so much to offer someone and it could just change their life. Keep spreading love Queens!”
WOW! I can tell you that just since recently connecting with Chantelle via Facebook, she is a warrior of positivity and powerhouse for female empowerment! What an incredible honour to connect with Chantelle and learn more about what makes her phenomenal. It is even more of an honour to be able to share her story with you. Thank you for reading Chantelle’s story, and let’s keep supporting and empowering each other as we continue our journey to live our best life!